Our company is actively involved in developing new products and technologies, and quite often, the results of our work are patentable inventions. We do not protect all of our ideas as you can see elsewhere on our site (check out the free stuff on our site map), we are even giving some of them away but we do protect some of them, either for the purpose of using them by ourselves in our finished products, or for a subsequent sale or licensing to any interested party.
Every invention is a solution to an existing problem and this is how they are described below. If you are interested in the full text of the respective patent, it is also available and accessible through a link at the end of the invention description.
Currently, we have the following patents available for an immediate licensing or an outright purchase: |
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Computer case (U.S.Patent No. 5,763,985).
This invention resolves a long-standing problem of having a computer on your regular working desk (the prevailing notion of "computer furniture" does sound ridiculous, doesn't it?). And this problem is not likely to go away completely or do it very soon. No matter how small some computers are becoming, the unevenness of the working desk surface (caused by the extra boxes, wires etc.) stays with us. Well, does it have to? "Spreading" the computer as a relatively thin "layer" on top of your desk allows you to keep the surface completely even. Your computer can expand indefinitely at first, by taking up whatever space within this layer is available, and then by thickening the layer itself anytime an additional expansion is needed. A complete and seamless integration of your desk and your computer. Full text of the patent . Licensing information request . |
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Non-elastic condom (U.S.Patent No. 5,803,085).
Nobody uses condoms eagerly. The Weber's law, the very basic law of perception, states that the perceived sensation is proportional to a logarithm of the stimulus (among other things, we have been told that this law is the main reason why drinking a given amount of liquor in thimble-sized portions will be more intoxicating than drinking it in one gulp). There is also a peculiarity in how our skin feels any direct touch we perceive pressure and friction differently. All existing condoms are elastic. By putting them on and exerting a certain pressure on our skin, we drastically increase the amount of stimulation our skin needs to sustain the same sensation level. In addition, stretching an elastic condom material across the skin diminishes our skin's ability to feel the friction. The tighter they are, the worse it feels (and doesn't matter much, how thin the condom is, despite what latex condom advertisers would like everyone to believe). An idea to make condoms loose runs against the common view but it is precisely the way to make them feel right. Once the condom is made non-elastic and loose (using PTFE as a typical material, and an elastic band at the base to secure the condom), all skin surface is completely open both to friction and pressure, keeping the natural feeling intact (while minimizing the "foreign" sensation due to a very low friction factor of the condom material). There are also several added benefits: An ability to use oil-based lubricants (latex condoms self-destruct on contact with oil-based lubricants, and require water-based lubricants which are less effective); An absence of a need for any lubricant (PTFE and similar materials have one of the lowest friction factors); Complete biological inertness of the condom material (many people have severe latex allergies, while PTFE is just about the only material allowed by FDA for direct use in the human body); Ease of disposal (simple heating will destroy all virulent particles, while the condom material will keep intact and will not generate obnoxious compounds while heated as latex does). Yes finally, the ultimate condom is here. Full text of the patent . Licensing information request . |
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Garden sprinkler (U.S.Patent No. 5,797,545).
Garden sprinklers are installed at the ground level. We may feel good about this; plants may or may not. While it is quite possible that it is ok with them, the rainwater does fall from above, and if we wanted to replicate this condition in our garden, we would have to build some sort of a vertical extension for our watering system (most of you have seen ugly risers around bushes and flower beds)... or would we? Not with this sprinkler. It is propelled upward by a jet action of the water itself, and kept up, in a stable or oscillating vertical position, by floating bodies within the cavity of the sprinkler (correcting an excessive deviations of the sprinkler from the vertical line). Added benefits? It flies up from your bushes when in use, and then gently lands right back into your bushes when it is not. It also seems like a lot of fun to us. Full text of the patent . Licensing information request . |
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