This glossary contains a few words which are very important for the understanding of what we do and what our company is about.
noetic (nõ-et'ik)
is defined by various dictionaries as of, relating to, or based on the intellect (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary); of, relating to, originating in, or apprehended by the intellect (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: 4th ed.); of, or existing or originating in, the intellect (Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd ed.); of, or pertaining to the mind; originated in or apprehended by the reason (Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd ed.); relating to, performed by, or originating in the intellect (Century Dictionary Online). The word itself comes from Greek noein, to think, to perceive (related to noesis, understanding, and noeticos, intellectual, both words also Greek). All of these words have their roots in the Greek word for mind nous. |
We do not assume the you are not familiar with the word noetic , but whether you are or not, noetic is not an everyday word. Neither are the words noetry , noem , and noet (for that matter, these three words did not exist in any dictionary until now yes, we invented them, and we did it for a good reason).
So, even if you already know about noetic , you may still want to read on about noet , noem and noetry , if only out of curiosity (after all, you did click on glossary, didn't you?). Regardless of you education or background, whenever you heard the word noetic for the first time, it (more than likely) sounded to you (and, most probably) associated itself with the word poetic , and these words are, indeed, related. The word poetic came into use around 1530, and is invariably defined by most dictionaries as of, relating to, or characteristic of poets or poetry (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary). This word comes from Greek poiein , to make, to create (related to Greek words poietes , poet, composer, literally, a maker; to poiticos , inventive; and to poiesis , poetry). The development of this word group spread over 300 years poet appeared around 1250-1300, followed by poetry (1350-1400), then poetic (1530), and finally, poem (1540-1550). Then it took another hundred years for noetic to show up (1645-1655). Thinking about all these facts, we felt that if there is a poet-poetry-poetic-poem group based on Greek poiein , there should be a noet-noetry-noetic-noem group, coming from Greek noein , and that the missing members (noet-noetry-noem) have been missing long enough. Why? Simply because our time demands a special focus on perceiving, thinking and understanding, far beyond the boundaries of a poetic composition. Poet , poetry and poem came into being to describe the artful handling of words; noet , noetry and noem shall give the same descriptive powers to the domain of thoughts and perceptions, not necessarily bound by a poetic form. |
noet (nõ 'it), n.
a person who engages in noetry; a person who has the gift or skills of noetic imagination, creation, and construction. adj. noetic. Note: A noet should not be confused with Noetian a follower of Noetus, who lived in the 3rd century A.D. Noetus earned his place in history through the heresy of modalism (by teaching that there was only one God, the Father, who manifested Himself as He pleased, and by denying the distinct personality of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), for which he was promptly excommunicated. |
noetry (nõ 'i trê), n.
the art of handling thoughts and perceptions; manipulation of noetic objects; a composition of noetic objects; noetic qualities however manifested. |
noem (nõ 'em), n.
a noetic composition; an entity or a structure resulting from noetic activities. |
We hope you enjoyed learning about these new words and will start using them right away.
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